Saturday, April 20, 2013

American Idol 12 - TOP 10 Performs Their Winning Song!

These are my predictions for the guys: Devin Velez, Curtis Finch Jr, Lazaro Arbos, Burnell Taylor and Nick Boddington. And these are for the girls(so hard, omg I can't): Candice Glover, Kree Harrison, Angie Miller, Aubrey Cleland and Breanna Steer. 
This is what happened: Devin Velez, Curtis Finch Jr, Lazaro Arbos, Burnell Taylor, Paul Jolley, Candice Glover, Kree Harrison, Angie Miller, Amber Holcomb, Janelle Arthur. 
And they get to perform a song, this is interesting. And I love how they mentioned every name of them who advanced.

Kree Harrison - Evidence: 78
Candice Glover - I'm Going Down: 76
Burnell Taylor - Ready For Love: 75
Devin Velez - The Power Of One: 73
Janelle Arthur - Home: 69
Amber Holcomb - I'm Every Woman: 65
Curtis Finch - So High: 51
Paul Jolley - Alone: 50
Angie Miller - I Was Here: 44
Lazaro Arbos - Bridge Over Troubled Water: 40

Awh my Zoanette, Aubrey, Breanna :( Even when they smiled made me really sad. I don't really care about the guys. But they revealed that there will be a sing-off between the sixth girl and the sixth guy. I put my money on Aubrey Cleland and Nick Boddington.

I ranked the Top ten:
10. Curtis Finch Jr - I thought he will go only this far. 
9. Amber Holcomb - Not enough fanbase
8. Lazaro Arbos - Pity votes will not go so far
7. Paul Jolley - I just felt like the judges will bash him
6. Janelle Arthur - She will be so boring
5. Burnell Taylor - Not enough fanbases
4. Devin Velez - 4 is still a good number
3. Angie Miller - A shocking boot
2. Candice Glover - Thought Kree will most likely win
1. Kree Harrison

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